Miss Katherine

Miss Katherine was found at a local pet shop that had been there three months. She was sick for so long that she had
developed a neurological disorder. She was purchased and taken immediately to the vet. She recovered from the illness but
still had the neurological disorder that caused her to run in circles and she could not hold her head still it constantly
shook. She lived in rescue for 3 yrs until she devloped tumors which caused her immune system to weaken and pneumonia set
in. She then had to be put to sleep.

Frap and Java was turned into the rescue because their owner could no longer keep them. They could not be adopted out
due to Frap being blind and developing a tumor. The tumor was removed and never grew back. Frap died of old age and Java followed
him a few days later.
Rikki Tikki Tavi

Not all special needs rats are ill. Rikki was brought to us by a snake owner who had purchased Rikki to feed to his snake.
Rikki killed the snake first. (this is one reason we push F/T food for reptiles) Rikki would bite anyone going near him. Who
could blame him? My theory is that because rats have poor eye sight the hand resembled the snake. So he would attack. I worked
with Rikki for a week and he became this lovable, Cuddly squishy rat boy that you see in the picture.
Chemo E. Fex

Chemo was a rescue that was adopted out to a home in which he stayed in for close to two years. He was returned to us
because he had become sick and his adoptive family felt he would get better care here. He was so weak he had to be spoon fed
6 times a day. His will was strong and he was doing great until he suffered a stroke.