RatzenMauzers RMCA Las Vegas

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Club Pictures

We like to have fun.

Our March Meeting.

March's meeting was a lot of fun as you can see. We had a pot luck and games with prizes.  One of our games is the Ratty Crap Shoot (explained below).


If you didn't know it before, you do now....RATS RULE!!!


Nick with Jen holding up their prizes of a gift certificate for handmade hammocks or cubes.


This is Ladybug on our Rattie Crap Shoot game. On the game board are rat related words in squares. Each person picks a square then a rattie is set on the board and we all stand around encouraging the rattie to poop. LOL If the rattie poops in your square YOU WIN!  LOL


Brandon, Jodi and Elizabeth.


Brandon, Amber, Jodi, and Elizabeth.


The ever so handsome Nick with Ladybug


Jen with our Vice President Debi.


Ladybug we don't think ate much that day so they had to put more ratties on the board. LOL


Amber and Brandon.
Amber won our door prize free membership for a year!! CongRATS Amber!!

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RatzenMauzers RMCA Las Vegas